Drupal Con Los Angeles
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Join the Behat training Sponsered by Promet Source. Myself, Lisa Ridley, and Doug Dobrynzki are going to teach the masses on how to create User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, and turn those into Behat Features and Scenarios.
Fix for Missing drupal/gplib package in Composer
If yall are like me, you have all started using composer for all of your Drupal dependency management. This is all through the work of webflow and his maintenance on
I did run into a problem recently:
require-dev: {
"drupal/api": "7.*",
This yields the following error
Some Fun with Drupal and Composer
At work, there has been lots of work making our code repos smaller for the fact that we would love our code reviews to only contain that in which we maintain. This means, all 3rd party code shouldn't be stored in our git repositories, and the changes that matter will not go unnoticed. To that end, Will Milton has went through some pretty pain staking development to get existing drupal modules into a packagist. This works with all versions of Drupal, as it's essentially, just Composer!